There are few things on earth I appreciate more than sunset or sunrise, well other than love friendship, family and all the rest of the usual suspects! It just amazes me how consistently beautiful and unique each and everyone I see is.
I thought about this a lot a while back and decided I would go to the same place each evening and take a photograph of of every sunset I saw, just to capture the subtle or dramatic differences between them for myself: take a picture right - it last longer! But it does - it was incredible! All the different shades and hues the sky turned around this daily natural phenomenon. If I could paint a picture I'd never have enough colours in my paint box to mimic what I'd captured on film. I think that's the beauty of it, that you cant, and in every setting it encompasses all the colours of the rainbow - and then some!
They say if you squint your eyes just as the first light pops out above the horizon there is a green flash, I've never seen it but my dad swears he has! I'm bemused by this notion and so most mornings I sit alone or in good company- warming my hands on a hot cup of earl grey or just humming along to my i-pod in lotus position. I sit and I wait... right up until its fully exposed... but I'm yet to see the mysterious green flash!
This morning was one of those days. It is a rare occasion I manage to get up before my alarm clock summons me to my trainers, let alone beating the tar mac before the sun has licked its way ahead of me. I finished up and assumed my position on the rocks that jut out to sea between Camps Bay and Glen beach. This is one of my favourite places in Cape Town, somehow I feel as though I am part of the elements that make up the picture I am looking at when I sit here.
So I sat and I waited... listening, breathing in the surrounds... poised... suspenseful... here it goes... POP!...
No flash! hmmmm!
Well I guess the good news is - this just gives me that added pinch of encouragement to get up tomorrow and try again!
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