There are days when I could honestly choose from over a hundred different outfits in my cupboard to wear, when there are endless possibilities and a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow- and I'm the one who gets there first every time!
And then sometimes, I don't know what it is... bad shrimp? too much caffeine before bedtime ("they" say milk gives you nightmares if you have a little too much before you go to sleep... hmmm!) this lurky flu I cant quite seem to shake off, or just some giant galumphing hang up you have about the granny who lives next door... the one who revs incessantly to get up the hill, just while you're savouring those last few precious dreamy minutes of slumber, yes the one's that determine the sunshine, happiness and candy factor for your entire day!!!
So what started out as a relatively guilt free, healthy week has now turned into an avalanche of endorphin chasing chocolate cravings and bad smoothie choices at the the salad bar!
I can unfortunately see that this is going to be one of those days, and as I feel myself powerlessly trudging into it, I have taken some time out to write this in the hopes that maybe- even if its a long shot- I'll somehow jolt myself from the arms of Morpheus and turn this whole thing around...even just post my caffeine slump at around 4ish!
At which time the greater part of today will have evaporated in some falsely elated mist of whatever frivolous activity I have chosen to embalm myself in!
I can then go about throwing myself head long into a 3hr unwinding ceremony in preparation for my much awaited Kundalini class.
Easing my way through the next hour and a half under my yogi's gracefully poised eye until about 8 thirty, when finally I can come back home, kick off my shoes, draw myself a bubble bath (candle lit of course!), pick out my fluffy robe and slippers and boil the kettle for a hot mug of chai... and I guess the rest is history... until tomorrow that is!
Well actually, as the congressman in Batman says, with a flip of a double headed coin and a wink of the eye: " I make my own luck!" ... hmmm yes, I think I too shall greet each day with this exciting new prospect!
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