hmmm... the weekend is nigh... I can feel the madness welling up inside me... I love it! It starts up mid week, say about 3 o'clock Wednesday and continues to mount until there is no telling what could happen! I'm thinking about packing a little rucksack and running for the hills to save myself from myself! Well actually, to pull myself towards myself is probably more like it!
I seem to be stuck in this frantic social whirlwind at the moment! Its actually enough!
I don't think I've ever met so many new people in such a short space of time in my entire life to date! Its really exciting, but seriously draining too. Cause each time you meet, you connect and share, and leave a little of yourself with them... but eventually there will be none left and that's probably about the time you should seriously take up the offer of running as far away as possible!!! Like now... go Mia! Save yourself!!! ;)
Ha ha... no its not quite that bad really! I'm just doing a lot of things I've never even thought possible! Like throwing myself into the water in a wetsuit when its raining and I can barely feel my fingers anymore and then proceeding to have a cold shower afterwards to wash all the salt off- yeah that kind of thing! And with all of these weird and wonderful activities comes a new face, a new friend, a new challenge!
In a way I feel like I'm travelling, even though I'm standing still, I'm finding myself lost in translation with all of these familiar unfamiliar faces! Trading secrets with perfect strangers, and learning new things about myself everyday. Its intense I wont lie! But there's something addictive about it too. It pushes me to wade further and further into the unfamiliar waters surrounding me. To inch a little more away from the 'box' that is so safe to me.
"Trust me its paradise: This is were the hungry come to feed, for mine is a generation that circles the globe in search of something we haven't tried before. So never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never out stay your welcome. Just keep you're mind open and suck in the experience, and if it hurts you know what its probably worth it... You hope and you dream but you never believe that somethings gonna happen for you- not like it does in the movies, and when it actually does you expect it to feel different, more visceral, more real... I was waiting for it to hit me..."
"I still believe in paradise - but now at least I know its not some place you can look for, cause its not where you go, its how you feel for a moment in your life and if you find that moment, it'll last forever"
OK, time to save yourself!
On the journey you're taking, pack this book, The Pink Forest, by Dana Dorfman. She's helped me make sense of my own fractured life, making me more conscious of the various moments that fill my life, focus on them and let them change me. It's great for any woman who's wanted to stop the madness and let her conscience hop out. It's very empowering.
I think I'll take you up on that... I always find reading gives me a sense of direction!
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