Friday, June 26, 2009

"Run, run, run away......"

Fight or flight... our instinctive options when faced with something we aren't sure how to handle.

I find it so interesting how society places parameters on the way things "should be",
And how like sheep we follow these preconceived ideas, as if living them out and deciding for ourselves is no longer an option.
Whatever happened to going with the flow and seeing where you land up?
Betwixt and between in this perpetually frustrating game we call life and love.
Am I the irrational or the irrationalee?!
My first reaction is to run away from something when the first sign of unease rears its head.
Its easier to be alone right? No one to consider or care about.
What bliss, just you and the road.
Wrong, I dont actually believe a word of what I just wrote, but I'd like to. That way you would never have to confront anything. You'd never feel angry or upset, or hurt. Its so easy to tune the world out when its not playing you're song. Its not so easy to when its closer to home.
So is it to soon to...? Is it cool enough...? Am I losing my independence...? Should I spend more time doing...? And less time doing...? Oh wait what do my friends think...?
Oh actually wait... what do I think?
Are we seriously so insignificant in our own lives that what should have started out with you, actually only gets to you and your own thoughts 7th or 8th on the check list of to do or not to do!
God its exhausting sometimes! Seriously!
What is the point?
I think its supposed to be Happiness.
"The cinders, the cinders
They light the paths
And these strange steps
Take us back, take us back
Flow sweetly, hang heavy
You suddenly complete me
You suddenly complete me"

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