I've been window shopping the world today... for hours... peering in on everyone's strange quirkiness and daily routine.
Having coffee at Wembley is like being in a fish bowl, so you can hardly blame my meandering eye for scanning the courtyard every 3 seconds. I glanced over at Sin's noticing that the majority of the activity was actually stemming directly from there. It was teaming with bubbly giggly matric girls from St Cyprians having there final luncheon.
What a sight, it was seriously like some kind of exacerbated scene cut and pasted straight out of 'Gossip girl' right there in Wembley Square! The outfits ranged from every trend you could possibly imagine on elle.com mixed in with this bizarre Afro chic-ness... some managed to hit the nail on the head while others... hmmm - well lets just say they should have stuck to their school uniforms!
Hair, nails, make up the works! I think big hair is back because I haven't seen that much hair spray and chutzpa since 'The Nanny' stopped airing in 1993. What a laugh, I'm sure we weren't like that?! Mind you, I just flipped through my matric album and I'm beginning to develop a serious complex as to whether or not we actually were all that - and a bowl of whipped cream!
I got this wave of nostalgia gazing over at them, frantically chatting and planning all of the excitement and adventure ahead of them. I remember that last month so vividly, just as you finish exams and reality sets in that you have the rest of your future ahead of you. All of a sudden its actually all in your hands. That question you were asked on your first day of school: "What do you wanna be when your all grown up?" has come full circle. And now it is time to decide exactly which path you want to go down.
I sat there for a while transfixed by their youth and naivety. Wondering how I would have done things differently, given the opportunity to go back in time. Its an interesting concept really, kind of like those books that have one beginning, and a hundred different possible outcomes.
I think I would like to have seen a bit more of the world before I decided what I was going to be doing for the rest of my life. In retrospect it would probably have been far more beneficial than my foolishly wasted year of fashion design. Although I knew I always wanted to be somehow involved in fashion - it just wasn't the design side!
In a way every time we change our minds, our careers, partners, homes, style, interests we are going to be right back at square one! The excitement and adventure shouldn't fade away... actually I take that back, everything we do, every decision we make is leading us silently to where we will eventually find our niche in this big beautiful mysterious world.
Even though occasionally it feels like I'm walking around in this really thick fog with misted motorcycle goggles and wellingtons that are four sizes to big for me, making it impossible to navigate anywhere. I know that this too shall pass, and as my special brother told me direction will find me... just wear bright reflective clothing at all times ;))
Post script:
My very favourite writer Edward Monkton once said:
"Zen dog: He knows not where he's going as the ocean will decide,
its not the destination - its the glory of the ride"
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