Ah... behold... the great unknown!
Its the blank canvas I find myself staring at almost every single day...
Its quite exciting really, I know what I can do, and I know what I am good at... and yet every single day I find myself doing the complete opposite. Or something completely new!
Sometimes I take it to the point of discomfort, just to prove that I can do it... especially if someone has insisted I can't! Even if I'm hating every minute of it I will complete the task, and well!
Ah there is nothing more infuriating - and at the at the same token more inspiring!
( I should actually thank the perpetrator come to think of it.. hmmm another time!)
I'm quite perverse in that sense (Thanks dad) ... but I think its in my nature too, being a fire sign and all that mumbo jumbo. I hate losing.
Its lately though. 2008 started out as one of the worst years.. no honestly.. the worst years of my entire life! Everything that could go wrong - went wrong! And then all of a sudden I seized the reigns of the run away horse and took firm control of our direction and speed and final destination. Wow what an awesome feeling! Because even though I may be completely lost. I am certain of my drive and of my ability to succeed when I get there.
My life has been filled to the brim with the most beautiful people, some from the past and some very new faces and they are all in some way part of this incredible adventure I find myself embarking on. They are the web of hands and hearts that hold me up and bind me together.
I smile a lot. And I cry. But mostly I'm just happy.
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