Saturday, April 24, 2010

Buffalo plaid jacket... meet floral print jacket...**

I recently came across another blog entitled "Missed Connections"... the author of this blog intricately illustrates pictures that evoke romanticised meetings on late night trains, or bumping into a stranger in the isle looking for peppercorn refills...

What stood out so poignantly to me about the concept of such illustrations, is how relatable the instances truly are. How certain people stand out from a sea of faces by the small details of their own personalised style... Be it the eclectic button sewn onto a jacket, the red piping detail that cinches the whole outfit together or the tiny stones in your necklace that match your shoes and your emerald green eyes...
All of these details tell me who you are. I may fantasise as to where you've come from or where you are going too. I may never have spoken to you before, but in one upward swoop of your appearance a thousand ideas have already passed through my mind... How old you are, what you do for a living, where you call home, what you may like to do for fun...
They say that 85% of our first impressions of a person are visual, so is it not critical that we embody all of our best assets in their entirety, through how we represent ourselves to the outside world every time we venture out there?
Our hair, our nails, our skin, our make-up, our clothing, our accessories... it all sounds so superficial... but on the off chance that we never do get to meet... I would like to think I have already told you my story without ever having to say a word....**

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Eye see the world, and the world see's me!

Wow, I don't think I have written here for over a year!
My life has done a complete 360' since then... I think I may be an entirely different version of my former self!
1. Job: check.
2. Career: check.
3. Fitness: check.
4. Healthy: check.
5. In love: check.
6. Happy: check.
7. Living somewhere new: check.
I think I am well on my way to checking every personal goal I set out for myself!
How's that for pro active.. he he... hilarious... feels good, its about time!
I honestly thought I would never find what makes me tick, and I think I have now.
Enough to stick it out even when sometimes its terrible!! Usually I wold duck, so I guess the proof is in the pudding :)
Living in Jozi, wow different I won't lie. But in a good way. The people are friendly and warm and welcoming. They make an effort to engage with everyone around them... which is fabulous... they aren't spoilt with the beautiful sea and mountains. It is however the biggest man made forest in the world... I was quite startled to see how green it was. I think I had this preconceived idea that it was going to be a brown sandpit... I blame mom for this! hilarious!
I am going back to Cape Town in a week and I am so excited to do as much as is humanely possible while I am there! Its refreshing to go back to the place you call home with a renewed appreciation and clean eyes... I am looking forward to it! A week of fun in the sun with my boy :)
Ooooooh bring on life, its beautiful!